The Barry Table

It's about food, sure, but just like Barry tables across Chicago and around the country, this is also a place to share ideas, make plans for family reunions and boast about recent accomplishments, food-related or not.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Here's our dinner last night. First we had some ripe plum tomatoes roasted for two hours in olive oil with Oregano, a little sugar and a little salt.

Here it is on top of French bread with some aged goat cheese:

Some corn soup with crispy prosciutto:

And with corn, you need more corn, and a few other grilled goodies:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Almost a Ninja

Today I tested for my Deputy Black Belt 2, which is only one belt under (bum bum bum) the BLACK BELT! The testing was great fun, although private, because we don't want all the other color belts to know our secrets. We covered kicking combinations, forms, and one step sparring. Pretty much everything. Then we got to watch assistant instructors get beaten up by Matt Stojak, who is in Hapkido, which is, to me, the art of beating people to a bloody pulp. He demonstrated some of his throws and self-defense techniques, all of which were quite impressive. Black Belts were also testing for their 1st or second star. Each star signifies a belt that they know perfectly; when you get 8 stars, you become a 2Nd Degree Black Belt. Very impressive. The Black Belts,(all of who were in the ages nine to ten range) demonstrated their Korio: the Black Belt form(a combination of kicks, punches, blocks, etc) falling down combo's (so you don't die when you fall) and explained their belts requirements. yes, very impressive. I got my Deputy Black Belt 2 (it's black with a white stripe through it) and an Assistant Instructor Badge. getting an Assistant Instructor badge is for, you guessed it, assistant instructor. I help teach 3 to 5 year old's, essentially holding targets and such, with my best friend Elena, who is now a High Red Belt.
Other people who got honorable mentions were my good friends Ellie and Vanessa, who have held back a few times (by their own choice!) to test with my group Tme they have been waiting to get Dep. Black 2 belts is (drum roll please) 8 months. Ipplaud them. so, all in all, i have gotten m deputy black belt 2, and in one month exactly (31 days) my black belt!

So, all in all, i am ALMOST a ninja.