The Barry Table

It's about food, sure, but just like Barry tables across Chicago and around the country, this is also a place to share ideas, make plans for family reunions and boast about recent accomplishments, food-related or not.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Working up an appetite

High winds didn't keep us from going out on the Intercoastal Waterway to test out the new inflatable kayak, which is named Telomerase after the enzyme that is expressed in cells that live forever. So the boat suggests immortality, but alas, the enzyme can also be an indicator of cancer cells, which survive and grow because of this very feature, according to noted researcher Janet Barry, from the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa.

We struggled south against the wind to a landing where we could walk across to the beach and the Gulf of Mexico.While eating our sandwiches we were joined by some royal terns, which look like gulls but have broader beaks and black crowns on their head. Also we saw pelicans swooping low over the water, looking for fish. On the way back we had a minor problem, when both kayaks grounded on a sandbar, but we were able to free them by getting out and pushing.

Later we made Indian food -- samosas and a (sort-of) Gujarati dish that included two of Freddy's beautiful balcony-grown eggplant.


Avita said...

WoW! It looks like Pat & Pam had a lot of fun in FL. Janet & Freddy - I really love how well you maneuver Telomerase (great name by the way!).

The food, as always, looked excellent! I am glad the chutney recipe came in handy :) My mom will be happy to hear it!!

Brian and Sheila said...

yeah! go epic music on the vid! orbital giraffe sings in the shower!
grace eats cookies.