The Barry Table

It's about food, sure, but just like Barry tables across Chicago and around the country, this is also a place to share ideas, make plans for family reunions and boast about recent accomplishments, food-related or not.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Bread Bible

Freddy and I received The Bread Bible, by Rose Levy Beranbaum, for Christmas from Mom and Dad. Freddy has been making homemade bread for a while now (as blog readers may remember, he made Cuban/French bread for Thanksgiving) but he now admits that he knew nothing before reading The Bread Bible. "I've always wondered," he said, "how breads can contain the exact same ingredients but taste so different. Now I know, its all in the fermentation process!"

The first recipe he decided to try is pictured on the cover of the book, and is an Italian bread from the region of Puglia, which was the home of Great Grandpa Lepore.

Below are some pictures of the baking process. And as you can see, Freddy's loaf perfectly resembles the one on the cover.


Pam Barry said...

Oh yes, it does look like the bread on the cover. I bet your kitchen smelled wonderful!

Patrick Barry said...

What I want to know, Freddy, is whether your bread had those big air bubbles in it, like the picture. And did it have that Italian taste, which we know now is related to the special fermentation process?

Pam is inspired and is going to try pizza again.