The Barry-Monahan group made their way to Ypsilanti through some awfully snowy weather that created some pretty harrowing driving conditions. Grace reported that they saw 24 cars in ditches along the way. Most of the trip was spent in silence, but we did have some entertainment by Adam-having to pee so badly that he was sweating. Last night we had excellent steak tacos with a dessert of fruit tart and vanilla ice cream. As all Barrys do, we stayed up late talking- 11 Michigan time. then we woke to french toast, courtesy of Lori Starkenbarry we went out to Borders and the farmers market up there in Michigan. After that we ate some food at this...place. So as we were going out the door, Adam created the olive oil incident. Since Erin says its better with gestures, I won't tell you.We went home, read, Kevin got here, we ate a delicious dish called (unspellable) it was rice with bean goop and it was delicious. Cake and ice cream followed. And then we posted this. (written primarily by Grace)
Great post Grace!
Can you give us more details on the olive oil incident?
I'm glad to see that Grace is following in the Barry tradition of good writers . . . that was a very enjoyable read, and like a good thriller it left me wanting a bit more:
- a five-hour trip mostly in silence? Remarkable.
- the Adam bathroom story with the sweating? Unique, as my own response is squirming followed by a desperate rush to the bathroom.
- the olive oil incident? I await the live re-enactment.
- the bean goop with an exotic name? Please tell me more.
- the desserts? They sound wonderful.
Anyway, well done.
why thank you very much, both of you. the bean goop was... well i dont know but it was really good. something vegan. i'll tell about the olive oil incedent later.
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