How's that sound? Good, yes, and we had two pomegranates from the gigantic fruit basket that Ray and Edith gave us, and some spare oranges and tangerines, and we were thirsty, so for breakfast on the day after Christmas, I made some juice. Kevin helped. We used a recipe from A Vegan Taste of East Africa by Linda Majzlik.
Step one, cut two pomegranates and spoon out the seeds.

Two, boil with two cups water and a tablespoon of brown sugar, five minutes.

Three, put cooked seeds in fridge while squeezing a couple cups of fresh juice, using high-leverage press made in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Four, when the seeds are cool, squeeze out as much juice as possible.
Five, mix and serve. Very refreshing!

That is so incredibly cool.
This is why I love reading the blog.
Keep up the great work Barrys!
I'm thirsty!
I should have mentioned that it took about 45 minutes to make and only a few minutes to drink . . . but all those who drank it seemed to absolutely glow with health. It's the antioxidants, you know.
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