I’m been feeling rather agitated lately because of certain interactions that have not been going to my liking. If you know me you know what I’m talking about, if you don’t know me, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is I have friends that feed my spirit. Look at the box I found on my desk today, delivered by the U.S. Postal Service.
How fun does this look! I couldn’t wait to look inside where I found many sweet things, Pocky sticks, chocolate “sardines” from France, a dark chocolate bar with cherries and almonds, Lindor candies, Ritter minis, and a bag of Quadratini bite-size cookies from Italy. And there was a card with touching messages from both friends.
Yum! Thank you, thank you, DeDee and Erin!
DeDee, Erin and I were part of a team that worked closely together last year. Chocolate was our drug of choice to ward off bad days. They understood the frustration and anger I’ve been feeling as only someone who has been in the same situation can. Seeing the box on my desk decorated with Erin’s art, DeDee’s science song and some of our inside jokes helped me feel less alone with my frustration.
My spirit is lifted.
Very cool, Mom! I wish you weren't feeling frustrated and angry, but I'm glad you have great friends and chocolate!
Tell Erin and Dedee that I'm super impressed with their box artwork.
What a great thing to do!
I'll tell them on Monday when we're all getting together. By the way you should see the other two sides of the box. There is a drawing of the mouse that lives in the store room and a list of "Pam's Box of Meat" I'll have to ask DeDee what kilbasa is? Some kind of squash perhaps?
I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that the box was able to give you a smile! You deserve it! Lunch today was a fantastic treat...
Now, please read and learn about our friend, the Kielbasa.
* smile * Yaaaay! The chocolate bar with cherries in it also said there was a love poem inside of it. That's what convinced us to pick it! Was it any good?
Thanks for the electromagnet supplies. The lesson today went good, considering the teacher has no real established routine for getting students to listen. But hey, at least they were doing science. Now I have a stack of papers to grade. Heh heh heh... just like old times.
Pat used the excuse of wanting to read the poem, to tear into the Cherries and Almonds bar. And then I had to have a taste too. The bar is very good, the poem not so much.
The box sits on a pile near the doorway to the kitchen, which is perfect for giving me a laugh as I walk by: "Pam's box of meat."
Now THAT is funny.
I'm sad to hear that the love poem was not as good as Erin and I hoped it would be. We assumed that any poem that comes wrapped with chocolate had to be good.
I tried to get Erin to put some real meat in there (outside the fish shaped chocolates), but she didn't support my idea. Not sure why.
Kielbasa is a type of Polish sausage that my family always has for holidays. We eat it on saltines with horseradish. In the Kelleher family, the more horseradish you can pile on the more macho you are.
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