Pam's creativity may be getting away from her. Today she arrived home from a work shopping trip with the car literally full to the brim with "materials" for the latest workshop for science teachers. From the looks of the pile, they are going to do something with colorful acids -- or maybe make a gigantic salad dressing -- since there are about 64 bottles of vinegar, a few cases of lemon juice, a bunch of vegetable oil, and maybe 30 boxes of food coloring. Plus plastic baggies and trash bags by the thousands.
She claims that she doesn't even know what the experiment is . . . that one of the other science educators worked this one up.
But no worries. Lugging all that stuff into the house, we were hungry, so we put together a nice stir-fry with rice and a side of collards. No photos of that, but here's dinner from a few nights ago: enchiladas en mole con rajas y queso (enchiladas with roasted poblano peppers and cheese, in dark mole sauce), green beans and avocado. Yum.
And below that, Freddy grilling up some eggplant last time the Floridians were in town.
(sorry about the stray code below. I had to move the photos around manually ["edit html"] and obviously I don't know what I'm doing. Perhaps someone else will jump in with a fix. [Edit: Got it. -KB])

Pat forgot to mention the 70 pairs of pantyhose. Any good cook knows the best way to remove impurities in salad dressing is to gently pour it through a pantyhose.
Sounds like an interesting science project/salad dressing recipe.
We aren’t really making salad dressing. The supplies are for environmental activities, acid rain etc. Science sure is fun!
Thanks, Kevin, for getting rid of that code. Next time you are home, perhaps you can walk me through a few html basics.
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