This is a photo from the deck/balcony -- one of three -- in one of the two houses we visited near Rosarito, Mexico. I posted the rest of the photos here on flickr -- these are mostly from a place we visited in San Antonio del Mar, about four miles north of Rosarito, and 60 miles north of Ensenada. A little more than an hour from San Diego airport.
There are also a couple of photos from Ensenada, which is quite a nice place for a day trip -- for shopping, fish markets, wineries...
I'll write more tomorrow. The place is not perfect, but it's pretty nice, and seems to meet almost all of our requirements for a family reunion spot. And it's definitely in Mexico.
Here's the web site of the place. There's also a slide show (sort of long) with dozens more photos.
This looks beautiful. If you read about Rosarito, you will find that dentistry, plastic surgery and liposuction are 30% to 50% cheaper than in the states, YUZZA!
And there are pharmacies and clinic all over the place in Rosarito and Ensenada.
"Medical tourism" is one of the cornerstones of the northern Baja economy.
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